Cla 2a x
Cla 2a x

The Native instruments VC2A is probably my favourite version in a plugin.

cla 2a x cla 2a x

I used a hardware one constantly in 1990's when I was a studio recording engineer. I use this style of compressor as a leveller. Great for bass, guitars, keys, and vocals (in conjunction with another compressor like an 1176 if you need to deal with a vocalist's transients). It leaves transients alone and averages out the signal over time. Like the mid-‘60s classic, the CLA-2A sounds great on guitars and bass, and really shines on vocals. Gain would make the panel inside brighter optically and then you adjust the peak to control the amount of compression (how much of the light the photo cell responds to). Modeled on the legendary electro-optical tube compressor, the Waves CLA-2A emulates the original’s smooth, frequency-dependent behaviors that have made it a favorite of engineers everywhere. Peak control (Threshold, 0 to -48 dB) Gain control (0 to 48 dB) Attack time (Variable, 0. You control it by using the input gain and peak together. Modern Lost Angel is a Universal Audio LA-2A opto Compressor clone. It worked using a luminescent panel as an input and photocells 'seeing' and adapting the compression ration and release, if the photo cell sees light it continues to work. It responds how I remember it.If it was modelled properly then the attack/release and the ratio are dependent on the source signal but generally the original Teletronix was a 10ms attack time, a 4:1 ratio and the release was around 60ms on quick signals with a further hold from 1s - 15s depending on the signal.

cla 2a x

Transients with the CLA-2A will sound less distinct, and the release will reduce punch somewhat however, the sound will be warmer and sometimes. Like the mid-60s classic, the CLA-2A sounds great on guitars and basses and really shines on vocals. The drums will sound tighter, punchier and sharper with the CLA-3A. Modeled on the legendary electro-optical tube compressor, the CLA-2A emulates the smooth, frequency-dependent behaviors of the original that have made it a favorite of engineers everywhere. Initially intended for use in broadcast, the original used an electro-luminescent optical attenuator called T4 for gain reduction. Gain would make the panel inside brighter optically and then you adjust the peak to control the amount of compression (how much of the light the photo cell responds to). The CLA-2A and CLA-3A model this difference, which you’ll hear if you A-B the two compressors on drums and add heavy compression. The CLA-2A is modeled on a hand-wired, tube-based compressor originally produced by Teletronix in the early 1960s.

cla 2a x

You control it by using the input gain and peak together. Modeled on the legendary electro-optical tube compressor, this plugin emulates the original’s smooth frequency-dependent behaviors which made it a favorite of engineers everywhere.


Get the guaranteed best price on Channel Strip Software like the Waves CLA Vocals Native/SG Software Download at. Mixing Vocals with Waves CLA Signature Vocal Plugin. If it was modelled properly then the attack/release and the ratio are dependent on the source signal but generally the original Teletronix was a 10ms attack time, a 4:1 ratio and the release was around 60ms on quick signals with a further hold from 1s - 15s depending on the signal. 7b042e0984 A short video explaining a quick way to get a great vocal sound for all you home.

Cla 2a x